martes, 20 de enero de 2015


Everyone has experienced that feeling of wanting to take up new sports, tidy his room,  cook, eat or anything when we have to study. It's like anything but studying, and that's my life right now.
These last weeks have been a little like that to me. I know I have to study, a lot, but I am not going to classes and it makes me think that I have still enough time to study, and I think it is happening to all the new students in the university. We are not used to be so free regarding when we have to start, and I think we all are a little lost. Here is when the stupid thoughts arrive. I'm lost and I don't know if I really master the subject so, what can I do? Studying to be sure of nor failing or watching TV and eating pop corn? I don't know you, but I hardly ever choose studying.
I have to admit that I am a mess. My bed room can't be tidy more than 10 hours. I don't know how it happens, but it gets untidy very fast. However, I promised myself it would be perfect from then forward, and I kept my promise but my exams end up the next saturday and I really want to keep my promise but I don't feel like doing it. I guess it is my fault for being such a lazy girl.  
Because of the exams I also thought I should go running or at least walking, and that I will do it. Even though I feel like staying home eating chocolate and pop corn while watching films, I will.
This year is going to be a year of changes, I can feel it. I hope they are all good.

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