martes, 20 de enero de 2015


Dear readers, today I want to tell you about what happened when I was doing my first 1 of Bachillerato in my P.E. classes.
Some years ago, in my secondary school P.E. the teachers made a rugby tournament. We were in the first year of Bachillerato, and during the year the teacher had told us to pay attention when she was explaining the rules of the game, but we didn't understand why she was so annoying about that game. When the term was finishing, she told us that we would have to play against the other classes. My class, 1F was determined to win and we trained a lot. When the day of the tournament arrived we were very nervous but as we started to play and win the other classes our nervousness became excitation. At the end we couldn't win the first prize, but we achieved the second one. Nevertheless, we though the class that won had cheated because in their team there was a profesional player, but still we were very happy to be the second ones.
Rugby is seen by people who haven't played it as a very dangerous sport. The kind of sport in which you always end up injured. However, I've played it and although the falls look horrible, I didn't even felt them. They are not as bad as they look, and that happens with every sport. I want you to know some rules that make the game interesting. At least, they were interesting to me.
When playing rugby, there has to be 2 teams of 13 players each. There is the rugby ball, and players can pass it as much as they want if the ball doesn't touch the ground. However, the ball has to be passed always to a team-mate who is behind you. The ball can't be moved straight on. To stop the ball, they can tackle the player with the ball, although a tackle is not completed until the ball touches the ground and the tackler touches the ball. To scoring goals, players need to get that the ball arrives at the end of the part of field of the other team and then the can get more goals by kicking the ball between 2 post and a crossbar(1). These are the basic rules, even though the game is more complicated than it looks here.
I really enjoyed playing and I would completely recommend it to anyone. Maybe not in a professional way, but in a leisure way. I've played it sometimes on the beach and it is really amusing because deep down we all are a little competitive and we all want to win when we are playing.

(1) "The rules of rugby league,", accesed Janury 20, 2015, 

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