jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

New driver

Getting my driving license was not as easy as I thought it would be. I passed the theoric exam the first time I did it, but then, the difficult part began. Driving a car, at first, was not as funny as I imagine in my mind. When I used to see my parents or sister driving while talking or singing I used to think,  this is going to be a piece of cake, but when I had to drive I completely changed my mind. I couldn't hear the jokes my teacher told me to break the ice, or the sound of other cars and whistles because I was too focused on not knocking down anyone, not hitting to any car. It was overwhelming.
 When my teacher thought I was ready, I took my exam and I failed it. I was very sad but it wasn't a big deal, I had another opportunity yet and I was sure I was going to make it the next time. Next week I took my exam again, and I was quite self-confident. I felt good driving, I knew how to react to new situations, I guess the only thing I didn't expected was that I wouldn't see the red traffic light in the middle of a roundabout. I had failed again, and I was not fine at all, I just wanted to cry because even though I knew how to drive I had failed, but I didn't. I convinced myself that it was nothing, that I would pass it next time, but i couldn't hold on my tears when I caught my finger between the car and the door. At first I didn't understand what was happening, why couldn't I leave the car? but then it started to hurt more a more and I broke down.
 After that,  my nail started to become between blue and lilac and  the worst thing is that it happened 1 month ago but it still hurts. 2 weeks later, when my finger was a little better, I took my exam again. It was more difficult to pass it because it was raining, it was very early and the street light was switched off, but finally I passed. The only thing I can say after this I guess it's that things happens the way they have to and we have to learn to live with it.

sábado, 25 de octubre de 2014


Last weekend my friends and I started an adventure which ended up in Salou, in the famous amusement park Portaventura. It was a weekend trip, so we started it the friday night when we took a bus. The bus trip was exhausting because I couldn't sleep more than two hours non-stop and when we arrived at the hotel we didn't have time to have a nap so we left our suitcases there and we went directly to the park. Once we got there, we were surprised because of the decoration. It was full of huge pumpkins, spiders, spider webs and people dressed up like scary characters from films because we are in halloween time. We went into some terror passages and even though everyone kept telling me they couldn't touch us, I was that scared that I couldn't stop screaming, but it was fun screaming at their faces and I think the guys who were scaring me were having fun too. We got in the newest attraction in which you are just held by something in your waistline called Shambala, which is the highest hypercoaster in Europe, and truth be said once you see yourself almost in a 90 degrees position and the only protection you have is something in your waist the only thing you can think about is: oh my god, what have I done?! However, I'd say it was a fantastic experience and we repeated 3 times.
The hotel we went wasn't very luxurious but we were so tired that we didn't mind, we all felt asleep the moment we touched the bed. The next morning we spend the day in the park too, and we went to the attractions we liked the most the first day. In the evening we said goodbye to the park and we started our returning trip in which we had to fight against some mosquitos that didn't want us to sleep in the bus.
Although it was an exhausting weekend, I met very nice people, we played cards, we sang and screamed all together, and we really had fun and that's why I wouldn't doubt on repeating it. If you like feeling fear, I think you should try Portaventura in halloween at night, the attractions are quite more fearful than ever.
Here I add a picture of My friends and I with the Shambala and the Dragon Khan. Can you imagine which is each one?

Laptop vs tablet

Nowadays choosing between a laptop or a tablet can be hard. With a laptop you can store a lot more data than in a tablet but it is not always good because the documents you save, pictures and everything  usually get messy. A tablet is smaller and less heavy than a laptop and nowadays the keyboard in not a problem anymore because you can find keyboards for tablets in every electronic shop. Tablets are quicker to use and their systems are more protective to viruses while a laptop needs more time to start to work and they are more exposed to viruses. Laptops usually need to be connected to electricity while tablets can last longer without electric power. The price of a tablet is much lower and it is used for nearly the same as a laptop. For these reasons, if i had to choose between laptop or tablet, the winner would be a tablet.

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

Look up

Sometimes I think I'm not of this age because while most of the people I know try to have new friends on facebook, to have more followers on twitter or more likes on instagram, I just really don't care about how many likes, photos or followers I have. This netwoks people call social, are  they really social networks? This new inventions are about people saying they like other people's things behind a screen. That's what we call social now, not seeing each other and saying things we probably wouldn't say if we were talking face to face.
I have some friends that are always posting pictures on intagram, and in the pictures they look so happy, full of life and relaxed that you could even feel envy of not having friends like them. Nevertheless, if you get to become a closer friend of them, you will find out it is just an ilusion. When they go out, the atmosphere among them is really awkward. They don't talk or have fun when they hang out, they spend time together looking their own phones. It is like if they wanted to show people that they know how to have fun, that they are sociables and worth to know but it is all fake. It is that what people think that having a friend is?  Does people nowadays have real friends or just friends of photos? I'm still trying to find out the answer.
Other thing I don't like about social networks are lies. I used to watch an MTV program called "Catfish" which was about falling in love on the internet with people they had never seen face to face. I can't understand how people is so foolish to believe everything that an strange tell them. I admit people can also lie to you in the face but it is easier to realize what are they doing than when you can't see their faces.
In sort, I do believe that even though social networks can be useful sometimes, they are creating more unsociable people and it would be wonderful if people didn't care so much about what other can think of you, if people were enough self-confident to not have to care about what others think about you.

I leave here a little video I really enjoyed watching because it expresses quite good my opinion about this topic.

domingo, 12 de octubre de 2014


I have always looked up my sister because she makes me a better person. She is physically the contrary of me. Her pale skin, her green eyes and his face of good girl could convince anyone to do anything. She is one of the best people i have known. She is reliable, cautious and sympathetic. She always tries to take care of me, even when we have had an argument. She makes me think things twice and makes me a less selfish person. She has always shown that she will be with me whenever I need her. Until now she has always known how to give good pieces of advices. For these reasons, she is the person I trust the most.

martes, 7 de octubre de 2014


This is the story of a seventeen years old girl who had never been interested in English. She used to copy the homeworks the teacher asked her class to do, and she didn't feel like learning a new language. She used to think :  What for? why don't foreing people learn Spanish? It would be so much easier. However, one day the girl started to see a new serie which a friend had recommended her. She became in such a big fan that probably saw  3 or 4 seasons in two weeks, but there was a problem, the serie wasn't being emitted on TV so she couldn't find it anywhere in Spanish. One day, she started to see a season in English because there was no choice, she couldn't wait until they emitted it here and she was so surprised because she loved how the voices of the charactes sounded. 
Little by little seeing the series with the original voices became a habit and learning more about that language became a little obsession. 
As you can imagine that girl is me, and I suppose I have to thank my friend for talking me about that serie. JL if you are reading me, I told you someday I would thank you about it!

P.S. As I've said I love that serie which is "Fringe". I've seen all the seasons twice and I can say that it gets better every season. I would absolutely recommend Fringe to those who like crime, science fiction, mystery and love series. Fringe mixes it all.

miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014


Yesterday in class we had to do a list about our fears and I found it really difficult.
Fears? I'm almost 19 and this is going to be my last year of being a teenager. Teenagers are not supposed to be afraid of anything.Until yesterday i hadn't even thought about what my fears are, and that's why I'm not going to upload what I did in class. I'm going to take the alternative the teacher gave us, which is happiness.

Happiness is innocence.
Happiness is silence.
Happiness is noise.
Happiness is when you are alone.
Happiness is when you are with someone.
Happiness is sleeping with him.
Happiness is catching him looking at you.
Happiness is finding out who you are.
Happiness is enjoying your life.
Happiness is what everyone searches.