Everyone has experienced that feeling of wanting to take up new sports, tidy his room, cook, eat or anything when we have to study. It's like anything but studying, and that's my life right now.
These last weeks have been a little like that to me. I know I have to study, a lot, but I am not going to classes and it makes me think that I have still enough time to study, and I think it is happening to all the new students in the university. We are not used to be so free regarding when we have to start, and I think we all are a little lost. Here is when the stupid thoughts arrive. I'm lost and I don't know if I really master the subject so, what can I do? Studying to be sure of nor failing or watching TV and eating pop corn? I don't know you, but I hardly ever choose studying.
I have to admit that I am a mess. My bed room can't be tidy more than 10 hours. I don't know how it happens, but it gets untidy very fast. However, I promised myself it would be perfect from then forward, and I kept my promise but my exams end up the next saturday and I really want to keep my promise but I don't feel like doing it. I guess it is my fault for being such a lazy girl.
Because of the exams I also thought I should go running or at least walking, and that I will do it. Even though I feel like staying home eating chocolate and pop corn while watching films, I will.
This year is going to be a year of changes, I can feel it. I hope they are all good.
martes, 20 de enero de 2015
I don't really have a favourite place in the world. I just have little places in very different countries that I love because of the meaning they have to me. However, if I had to choose on place to live the next 10 years, it would definitely be Australia.
What fascinated me from Australia was that it is the 6th biggest country in the world. In that country there are more than 1500 kinds of spiders, and 20 of them are the most dangerous in the world. There, it also lives a jellyfish called Box jellyfish which venom is one of the most deadly. The size of that animal is around 1,7 and 2,1 metres, more than a human being. I like australian animals such as koalas and kangaroos. Koalas sleep almost 20 hours per day which is quite impressive, and kangaroos are funny when they carry their little kangaroos.
I'd buy a longboard, and I would learn how to use it properly. I'd also take surf classes because I've wanted to learn since I saw when I was a child a series called "Blue water high".
Australia looks to me like the dangerous but worth visiting place. I'd like to spend time discovering every corner of the country, and learning their culture and traditions.
What fascinated me from Australia was that it is the 6th biggest country in the world. In that country there are more than 1500 kinds of spiders, and 20 of them are the most dangerous in the world. There, it also lives a jellyfish called Box jellyfish which venom is one of the most deadly. The size of that animal is around 1,7 and 2,1 metres, more than a human being. I like australian animals such as koalas and kangaroos. Koalas sleep almost 20 hours per day which is quite impressive, and kangaroos are funny when they carry their little kangaroos.
I'd buy a longboard, and I would learn how to use it properly. I'd also take surf classes because I've wanted to learn since I saw when I was a child a series called "Blue water high".
Australia looks to me like the dangerous but worth visiting place. I'd like to spend time discovering every corner of the country, and learning their culture and traditions.
Dear readers, today I want to tell you about what happened when I was doing my first 1 of Bachillerato in my P.E. classes.
Some years ago, in my secondary school P.E. the teachers made a rugby tournament. We were in the first year of Bachillerato, and during the year the teacher had told us to pay attention when she was explaining the rules of the game, but we didn't understand why she was so annoying about that game. When the term was finishing, she told us that we would have to play against the other classes. My class, 1F was determined to win and we trained a lot. When the day of the tournament arrived we were very nervous but as we started to play and win the other classes our nervousness became excitation. At the end we couldn't win the first prize, but we achieved the second one. Nevertheless, we though the class that won had cheated because in their team there was a profesional player, but still we were very happy to be the second ones.
Rugby is seen by people who haven't played it as a very dangerous sport. The kind of sport in which you always end up injured. However, I've played it and although the falls look horrible, I didn't even felt them. They are not as bad as they look, and that happens with every sport. I want you to know some rules that make the game interesting. At least, they were interesting to me.
When playing rugby, there has to be 2 teams of 13 players each. There is the rugby ball, and players can pass it as much as they want if the ball doesn't touch the ground. However, the ball has to be passed always to a team-mate who is behind you. The ball can't be moved straight on. To stop the ball, they can tackle the player with the ball, although a tackle is not completed until the ball touches the ground and the tackler touches the ball. To scoring goals, players need to get that the ball arrives at the end of the part of field of the other team and then the can get more goals by kicking the ball between 2 post and a crossbar(1). These are the basic rules, even though the game is more complicated than it looks here.
I really enjoyed playing and I would completely recommend it to anyone. Maybe not in a professional way, but in a leisure way. I've played it sometimes on the beach and it is really amusing because deep down we all are a little competitive and we all want to win when we are playing.
(1) "The rules of rugby league," Usarl.com, accesed Janury 20, 2015, http://www.usarl.com/about/the-rules-of-rugby-league/
sábado, 17 de enero de 2015
Sweet 19
Hello my dear readers!
Today I want you to know that I've been a little lazy lately and I know I should have posted more than I have but I have been pretty busy these holidays, mostly the days near my birthday.
I turned nineteen the 29th December. I wasn't actually celebrating it, but my friends and sister got me fooled. My sister convinced me to go to a laser-tag in Molina to book in . I have to say I didn't think at first it was strange because we had already tried to go although we couldn't. As the day went in, I started to wonder if it was really to book or if she had prepared a birthday party. My friends and she started to talk about other plans and I didn't suspect anymore. When we arrived at the local I saw two of my friends, and I thought : I knew it! I knew there was something strange in this plan!!. However, what I didn't expected was finding my classmates there!! I didn't recognized them at first, but then I thought: Wait a sec, I know that girl, and that boy, and those over there! wait, they are my friends!. It was amazing because that was a wonderful surprise. We had fun playing laser tag as I had seen in How I Met Your Mother so many times. We ran as if our life depended on that. We laughed. We screamed. It was fantastic. We went out later that night and it was also very funny although there were some of them who couldn't come.
The next day, I celebrated it with my parents and sister. We ate out and they gave me a new laptop as present. Although there were some problems because it didn't work, I loved it.
Some days later, I celebrated it again with my friends. They cooked "churros" for me, and they placed some candles on them as if they were a cake. They had a little problem with the chocolate to the "churros" because it was burnt and it tasted awful, but the important thing was the intention. We also went to ice-skating.
There is no hesitation if I say that this birthday has been one of the best in my life thanks to the wonderful people that there is around me. Here are some picture of those wonderful days I passed.

domingo, 4 de enero de 2015
4th practice
Although nowadays we are all connected by social networks, they should be called unsocal networks. These kind of pages don't make the worls a more sociable place, neither they let people know what real life and friendship is, nor they are safe to young people because of their lack of expecience in life.
People can think they are being more sociable using these networks, but they are not facing reality. They are just hiding themselves behind a screen because talking to someone that is not watching you, that is not waiting for an instant anwer is very easy. That is not being sociable but talking to people that they won't ever truly know.
Social networks are creating new life styles based on making friends that we know from the Internet. When you start meeting people that way, you are missing what real life is, and it is feeling awkward when you don't know well the other, feeling lonely sometimes and feeling thrilled when what comes across to your mind is the same your friend is thinking of. However, to feel all these things in a real way, everything has to happen face to face.
Moreover, for young people the use of these new platforms is very dangerous because they could be being bullied for instance, and they wouldn't know. Another danger that they wouldn't notice is being hacked. Children son't usually know how to manage these situations and what they usually do is not to tell anyone about it. Nevertheless, they don't know that's the worst they could do.
To sum up, social networks are not as good as good as a way to connect people as they may look. Furthermore, used in short ages they are more problematic than useful.
People can think they are being more sociable using these networks, but they are not facing reality. They are just hiding themselves behind a screen because talking to someone that is not watching you, that is not waiting for an instant anwer is very easy. That is not being sociable but talking to people that they won't ever truly know.
Social networks are creating new life styles based on making friends that we know from the Internet. When you start meeting people that way, you are missing what real life is, and it is feeling awkward when you don't know well the other, feeling lonely sometimes and feeling thrilled when what comes across to your mind is the same your friend is thinking of. However, to feel all these things in a real way, everything has to happen face to face.
Moreover, for young people the use of these new platforms is very dangerous because they could be being bullied for instance, and they wouldn't know. Another danger that they wouldn't notice is being hacked. Children son't usually know how to manage these situations and what they usually do is not to tell anyone about it. Nevertheless, they don't know that's the worst they could do.
To sum up, social networks are not as good as good as a way to connect people as they may look. Furthermore, used in short ages they are more problematic than useful.
3 rd practice
Walking in the evening on weekends is sometimes difficult in places like parks, because it's fashionable among teenagers to go there to get drunk. Alcohol in that ages is very dangerous because they don't know when to stop and it brings violence, a false bravery that makes them insensible and tons of rubbish.
To eliminate the violence and inconscious teenagers that can be found in the streets caused by alcohol, we could try to make the prices of alcoho higher so that not every kid in the worls could buy a bottle. Violence would stop temporarily but people might find other ways to find it, for instance, on the Internet. Probably a better solution could be undercover polices were sent to those shops where it is believed that alcohol is sold. When they found evidences, they could fine those shops. Moreover, with the end of shops selling alcohol illegaly, the teenagers in parks and the rubbish they produce would finish too.
In short, the best option to end up with problems caused by teenagers getting drunk in the streets would be fines to those who sell the alcohol in a not legal way.
To eliminate the violence and inconscious teenagers that can be found in the streets caused by alcohol, we could try to make the prices of alcoho higher so that not every kid in the worls could buy a bottle. Violence would stop temporarily but people might find other ways to find it, for instance, on the Internet. Probably a better solution could be undercover polices were sent to those shops where it is believed that alcohol is sold. When they found evidences, they could fine those shops. Moreover, with the end of shops selling alcohol illegaly, the teenagers in parks and the rubbish they produce would finish too.
In short, the best option to end up with problems caused by teenagers getting drunk in the streets would be fines to those who sell the alcohol in a not legal way.
viernes, 2 de enero de 2015
2 nd practice
I. The best means of transport we can use to go to the university is a bike because we can save money, it is a way of keeping fit and happy, and we wouldn't be harming the environment.
II. A way of saving money.
1. Money to petrol pr electricity is not needed.
a. petrol is very expensive.
b. electricity is very expensive and unusual to find to cars or other transports.
2. Places to park the bike are free.
III. A way of keeping fit and happy.
1. The heart and lungs are being used.
a. The more you use them the better they work.
2. You don't have to be careful with food.
a. You don't have to worry about eating chocolate.
3. Excersise makes you feel better with yourself.
a. Our body creates a sustance that makes us happy.
IV. Bikes aren't harmful to the environment.
1. They don't need petrol or electricity
a. Pollution is created basically by those components
2. They don't create exhaust fumed
V. In short, bikes are a better way of going to places and the best to go to the university
II. A way of saving money.
1. Money to petrol pr electricity is not needed.
a. petrol is very expensive.
b. electricity is very expensive and unusual to find to cars or other transports.
2. Places to park the bike are free.
III. A way of keeping fit and happy.
1. The heart and lungs are being used.
a. The more you use them the better they work.
2. You don't have to be careful with food.
a. You don't have to worry about eating chocolate.
3. Excersise makes you feel better with yourself.
a. Our body creates a sustance that makes us happy.
IV. Bikes aren't harmful to the environment.
1. They don't need petrol or electricity
a. Pollution is created basically by those components
2. They don't create exhaust fumed
V. In short, bikes are a better way of going to places and the best to go to the university
1st practice
Most of the girls nowadays wanto an imposible thing, a perfect body without doing any excersice. Girls think of sports like something boring, but what they don't know is that once you find the sport you like you will never stop practising it. Personally speaking, I used to get bored of sports until I found skateboarding and snowboarding, since that day I go skateboarding everytime I can, and that's my way of keeping fit, having fun with something I don't consider a sport, but a hobby. Maybe girls need to be less lazy and not to give up in their first try before finding their perfect sport because I'm completely sure they would feel much happier, healthier and better with themselves. To sum up, to keep your body fit you need to excersise it, no matter how you achieve it.
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