When my teacher thought I was ready, I took my exam and I failed it. I was very sad but it wasn't a big deal, I had another opportunity yet and I was sure I was going to make it the next time. Next week I took my exam again, and I was quite self-confident. I felt good driving, I knew how to react to new situations, I guess the only thing I didn't expected was that I wouldn't see the red traffic light in the middle of a roundabout. I had failed again, and I was not fine at all, I just wanted to cry because even though I knew how to drive I had failed, but I didn't. I convinced myself that it was nothing, that I would pass it next time, but i couldn't hold on my tears when I caught my finger between the car and the door. At first I didn't understand what was happening, why couldn't I leave the car? but then it started to hurt more a more and I broke down.